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Rabu, 4 April 2012

Freebies - Icons (edited by me)

Assalamualaikum dan hai.

Hello semuanyaaaaaaaaa :D Hari nie saya nk bagi freebies kat korang. Dah lama kan saya x bagi freebies kt korang. Haha lol xD tp hari nie saya bagi freebies avatar or icons. Korang x tau icon tu hape? Icon tu gmbr yg kecik tu laa. Gmbr tu korang leh gune utk fb, twitter, blog dsb. So, hope you like it ^^

P/S : Kalau korang nk ambik gmbr uh, just click the pictures kay.
Hehe, okayy, that's all for today. I want to do homework. Bye and Assalamualaikum :)

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