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Isnin, 24 Oktober 2011

Tagged Again

Assalamualaikum n Hye

P/S ; Ni sye gune aku engkau ye dlm entry ne.

Aku dah kene tag lagi sekali. Ditag oleh Sis Wahida yang comel lote \hahaha/. Malas pulak nak entry post. Nak biarkan sampai berhabuk blog ne. Hahaha -,- Harap2 aku x dpt tag mcm ne lgi. Malas nak post. :P

Questions dari Sis Wahida

1. Since when you started blogging?
- December 2010

2. Your grandma's name?
- Sebelah mak ke sebelah ayah? \malas nak jawab/

3. Facebook or Myspace?
- Facebook \bukan Facebook, pensel box/ #hahaha

4. Who is your best friends?
- Arni, Jannah, Miza, Yana, Shera, Nurfarahidayu, Noridayu and Nurani Shafika \bff/

5. Do you have a boyfriend?
- Tak hadoo. Hikhik. \tipu/

6. Do you like animals?
- Yes kecuali haiwan yang takleh dimakan

7. Do you have a pets?
- No

8. Are you a k-popper lovers?
- Erm, a little bit

9. Do you have a twin?
- Yes. Her name is Arni Suraya \bukan kembar betol/

10. Love me or not?
- Yes

11. Do you like my blog?
- Yes

Malas nak tag orang. Kbai

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