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Ahad, 23 Oktober 2011

I Was Tagged :D

Assalamualaikum and Hye

Aku dapat tag dari Nurin Asyada. Thanks 4 tagging me!

Here's the rules :

You must post these rules.
Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. And create eleven new questions for the   people you tagged to answer.
You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them to the post.
Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her.
No tag backs.
No stuff in the tagging section about 'You are tagged if you are reading this' you legitimately (a.k.a really, trust, with all honesty) have to tag 11 people.

11 Things About Me

 My name is Nurul Nurfarahin binti Abd Majid

 My age is 13 years old and born on 21 December 1998 #98's line

 I am SMK Dato Haji Hassan Yunos Student

 Love facebook-ing, blogg-ing so much

 Love Allah, Nabi Muhammad S.A.W, my family, my friends and my capital F

 I hate copycat, anon, hacker and so on

 I love my netbook 1Malaysia

 I am a happy girl, cool and friendly XD

 I have many dreams #belum tercapai

 I like to shopping everday

 Like to eat very very much

Sekarang ne masanye utk menjawab semua soalan dari Nurin Asyada :

1. What things u do if had a free time?? - do homework, playing Internet and games

2. Who's blog u always visits?? - blog Fadlin

3. Canon or Olympus which is ur choice and why?? - because the price of the camera is cheap and have DSLR quality.

4. List 3 blog that's u feel cute - Sis Nazihah, Lettha and Fadlin

5. How much ur follower?? -  297 followers

6. What is ur boyfriend name?? - secret. HAHAHA

7. What template u use for ur blog?? - washed denim template only

8. What comic that u like to read?? - joke comics (e.g lawak kampus, ujang and so on)

9. What is ur big dreams?? - being a science teacher

10. What type of phone u use?? - samsung corby II

11. Which is your favourite place?? - paris, seoul, mekah, hawaii, bali and pulau langkawi

12. What is your boyfriend name mean?? - erm, I don't know

13. List 5 blogger friends that u think them cool - arni, shera, fadlin, jannah and ain fadhilah

My questionn :D

1. What is your nickname?

2. Who is your best friends?

3. Facebook, Twitter or Blogger?

4. Do you have a pet?

5. K-Pop or J-Pop lovers?

6. Do you have a twin?

7. Do you hate or love copycats?

8. Love me or hate me?

9. Do you have a Lappy or iPad 2?

10. What is your wishlist?

11. Your favourite bloggers?

Mau tag

xx Farahin Abd Majid

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