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Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

2 Week Tumblr Challenge

Assalamualaikum n hye, hari ne bosan giler x thu nk wt pe... So what? Hehe gurau je baidawehh sye ade jumpe satu challenge. Sye jmpe kat sini.. Klah nak post dye pnye challenge jap.

Day 1 - 7 things you succeed at.
Day 2 - 7 things you fail at.
Day 3 - 6 websites you use on a daily basis.
Day 4 - 6 song titles that  describe your life from beginning to NOW!
Day 5 - 5 things you are afraid of.
Day 6 - 5 things you do to cope with life.
Day 7 - 4 things you would save in a fire.
Day 8 - 4 bad habits.
Day 9 - 3 things you wish you could say, but never might.
Day 10 - 3 abbreviations that describe your current life (like FML etc).
Day 11 - 2 people you wish you could switch lives with for a day.
Day 12 - 2 things that define a great life.
Day 13 - 1 guilty pleasure.
Day 14 - 1 letter to your reflection

Harap2 dpt abeskan.. Kbai.

P/S : Strike it means done .

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