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Selasa, 20 September 2011

Icon Tepi Online Users

Nak cite sikit nih, tadi kat skolah bosan gile. I mean, bosan mcm nak pengsan je. Ngantok pulak tu. Huu ~

Erm, korang tau x icon tepi online users? ape bende tu?

Itulah icon tepi online users tu. Haihh -,-

1. Dashboard - Design - Add a Gadget - HTML Javascript

2. Copy code kat bawah

<center><!-- Start FreeOnlineUsers.com --> <img src="http://i257.photobucket.com/albums/hh205/xoxojays/smilies/crayon/pic011demoji_369894decoojp.gif" /><span style="color:#AC58FA;"><script type="text/javascript" src="http://st1.freeonlineusers.com/on4.php?id=699416"> </script> Shinee [s]</span> <!-- End FreeOnlineUsers.com --></center>

3. Paste at HTML Javascript okai

oren utk url gmbr yg tepi tu. bole cari kat glitter graphics.

merah  plak untuk warna font.

biru tu utk id online users korang.

hijau tu utk ape yg korang nk tulis

example : silent readers, spongebob [s]

Korang x tau kan cemane nk ambik code id online users kan? tengok gmbr kt bwh

Ingat ye ambik yg dlm kotak wrne merah jangan ambik smue.

Erm, different user different code la sye pikir

Kalau same tu paham2 je la :3

Kalau korang x de online user tu korang wat kat >sini<

Credit : Alia Simpson

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